New Year Message from Your President
Posted 3 months ago
New Year Message from Your President
It is that time of year that we pause to reflect on our personal and professional blessings, triumphs, trials, and hurdles of the past year. At the same time, we step forward into the new year and make resolutions, set goals, and vow to improve. This annual exercise is necessary to learn from our mistakes and grow through purposeful changes. No matter the date on the calendar, the one thing we can always count on is change.
While change is a constant in life, how we react to it is not. Do you face change with fear and uncertainty or do you embrace it with an open mind and await the new adventure? Our chapter has achieved many great accomplishments in its 51 years. Over the past 2 years, we have made many changes in an effort to increase member engagement as well as increase clinical standards, promote professional development, and improve workplace culture.
This month, we will implement another change; listening to your voices and needs, our monthly meetings for the next four months will take on a little different form. Being a professional organization, it is important that we collaborate and address issues unique to our profession. As nurses in Palm Beach County, we all share common experiences but often work in silos, and only have knowledge of our little piece of the world. Each meeting will focus on issues that our members have identified, will include networking with colleagues, and also an interactive piece giving you a chance to be more involved by sharing your thoughts and voices.
We want our meetings to be useful and meaningful to you and your everyday needs as a nurse. These changes are being made with you in mind and they will be enlightening and fun. I do hope you join us and be part of this change. We are also working with our hospital leaderships and I am happy to say that our first meeting is hosted at Bethesda East on January 14. Registration is open on our website.
I hope to see you there and I wish peace, joy, and health to you and your loved ones in 2025. Let’s come out of 2025 better than when we went into it!
Courage to Soar,
Tammie Couch, RN
AACN- PBC Chapter President
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Thank you for your commitment to nursing excellence!
Happy New Year to all the amazing nurses who make up our Palm Beach County Chapter AACN! I love being apart of this incredible community!
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